home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;
- ; Installscipt for Aggression issue #1...
- ;
- echo "c____________________________________________________________________________"
- echo " Aggression Issue #1 - HD installer "
- echo " "
- echo ""
- echo " AGGRESSION must be in drive DF0: while installing "
- echo " Remember to include either a : or / in the end. "
- echo " "
- echo noline "Where do you want Aggression installed? "
- set >nil: path ?
- set aggr Aggression
- set ekte $path$aggr
- echo " "
- echo "Aggression will now be installed in:"
- echo " "
- echo $path DAggression
- echo " "
- echo noline "Is this okay? [Y/n] "
- set >nil: okay ?
- if $okay EQ "n"
- echo " "
- echo "Exiting..."
- quit
- endif
- if $okay EQ "N"
- echo " "
- echo "Exiting..."
- quit
- endif
- echo "cInstalling in"$path DAggression.
- echo " "
- echo "Installing main program..."
- makedir $ekte
- copy >nil: df0:aggression TO $ekte/
- echo " "
- echo "Installing articles..."
- echo " "
- makedir $ekte/Txt
- copy >nil: df0:Txt/#? $ekte/Txt
- echo "Installing clipart..."
- echo " "
- makedir $ekte/Clip
- copy >nil: df0:Clip/#? $ekte/Clip
- echo "Installing misc stuff..."
- echo " "
- makedir fonts:font0
- copy >nil: df0:fonts/font0.font fonts:
- copy >nil: df0:fonts/font0/#? fonts:font0
- echo "All done! Exiting..."
- quit